Twins at School


Should you keep your twins together at school?
Would separate classes be better for them?
What about separate schools?

There are lots of choices facing parents of school age twins. Sometimes the choices are made for you, maybe the school of your choice only has one class per year, (or even one class for infants and another for juniors) solving the dilemma about whether or not to separate twins at school.

School Policy
Some schools have a blanket “one-size-fits-all” twins and multiples policy of either separating twins or keeping them together. If your preferred school has this policy and you don’t agree with it, it is worth booking an appointment to see the head to discuss your twins individual needs. This will give the school opportunity to state why they think their policy is a good idea. It may be that they are willing to negotiate or to offer your twins a trial run of being together/ separate to see how they get on.

It is a good idea to ensure you give your twins enough time to adapt and settle in, so see if they can give it around half a term. I have heard of a case of twins who were separated at school and who hated it for the first few weeks, but got used to it after half a term and when they were later put back in the same class moaned a bucketful as they were more than happy separate!

Sometimes the school is absolutely right, and you find that actually their system works really well even if it wouldn’t have been what you would have picked yourself.

If the school of your choice has more than one class per year group and no particular twins policy the choice whether to keep them together or to separate them is entirely up to you.

When you do have a choice careful consideration should be given as to what would suit the needs of your particular twins. My twins were put in separate classes from Reception (age 4) to year 5 (age 10) which worked well for them.Their school had a system where they were together for some lessons like Numeracy and Literacy and separate the rest of the day. So this was a good compromise. However, your twins have their own individual needs and personalities, and only you know what is likely to suit them best. This could be either putting them in separate classes or keeping them together.

A workable compromise
If you decide you want them to be together but have some time working independently you could speak to their teacher and suggest that they work on different tables or in different groups. This allows them to have some separate time working with other children independently of their twin but with the comfort of knowing that their twin is still within earshot. This can also be a solution in the smaller schools where they have to be in the same class due to the size of the school.

The benefits of having them in separate classes.
Having them in separate classes can mean that each child gets to make their own individual friends and be self-reliant. It also means that they don’t have the opportunity to keep comparing their own progress to that of their twin. However it can lead to only one twin being invited to a birthday party or home for tea which is a mixed blessing, although it can be nice to spend some quality time with just one twin. Often an invite is offered to the other twin once the host parent realizes that you have twins.

The Benefits of Keeping them together.
Keeping twins together can be a comfort for them. It can come in useful as a point of reference especially as they get older and homework is issued. It also means parents evening is less of a nightmare as you have less teachers to see! At the end of the day which ever way you choose should work out really well, and if you find after half a term or more that it isn’t and everyone is unhappy there really is no shame going into school and having a conversation about how to improve the situation.

My twins are very dependent on each other, should I keep them together?
Twins do need to be able to be independent of each other by the time they leave school, they need to be able to stand up for themselves, to work as individuals, to form friendships with others and spend periods of time apart. Obviously it would be a big shock to the system to separate twins who are this used to relying on each other. A kinder solution would be to slowly build up the amount of time they work independently, both in the classroom and at home. Working for short periods in separate groups gradually increasing the amount of time spent separately can help this. They need to feel safe but take tiny steps towards independence.

I want to separate my twins at some point, but when is best?

This depends on your individual twins. Some parents have put their twins in the same class at school for their Reception year then separated them for Year 1 onwards. Others have had them together up till Juniors then separated them. My twins were separated in Reception and survived even though I was often told I was a big meanie for doing it so soon. I figured that the sooner I did it the better as what they’d never known they’d never miss! But this isn’t the right answer for everyone’s twins. You will probably know when is right for your twins, if it happens at all. Some twins stay together throughout their school years and are just fine. Some twins go to separate SCHOOLS and cope just fine, although this seems to be less of a logistical nightmare when they go to High School (age 11+) and can either walk independently to school or take the bus!

One twin is so much brighter than his twin, what should I do?
A good teacher should be able to set work at the correct level for each twin, so this shouldn’t be a problem. It may mean them working on different tables at primary school or being in different sets at high school but with sensitive handling there should be no reason why each twin can’t reach his or her potential.

If it means that one of your twins is clever enough to pass an 11+ exam to get into a traditional Grammar School and the other one isn’t, you have a dilemma. I have heard of twins where only one has got in to Grammar school, and the parents were faced with a tough dilemma as to whether to send the ”clever” one to Grammar and the other one to a regular high school or to send them both to regular high school. Talking this through with both twins separately is a must and only you can com out with a workable solution.

Filling in Application forms for Twin School Admissions.
There should be a section on the application form to state any reasons you want your children to go to that particular school, it is worth mentioning in this section that you have twins (stating the other twins full name) and you want them in the same school (unless you would prefer they were separate) If you have sent your twins to school outside your normal school catchment area because you want your twins in separate classes it would be worth mentioning here too.

If you don’t get your twins into the school you prefer or only one gets into your first choice you have the right to appeal. State clearly your reasons for choosing the school and reiterate that you need both twins in the same school for logistical reasons (unless the two schools are next door to each other and dropping off and picking up are not going to cause too many problems.) Good Luck!


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Equipment to buy for Newborn Twins

Double Buggies

Tips for choosing Double Buggies, Twin Prams, Twin Pushchairs etc

There are a lot of different terms for a two seater buggy – twin buggy, double buggy, twin stroller, twin pram, twin pushchair – I am going to stick with buggy just for ease of use. If you are going to do a search on the internet each seems to return slightly different results so experiment until you find what you’re after.

One big tip:-
Before you head out to the shops to look at buggies, make a note of how wide your front door is and write it down. If you have a narrow gate, measure that  too!

There are lots of places to buy twin buggies from, not least the internet. However even if you are going to buy a buggy online it is still worth going and having a look at some properly in a shop. This way you can take it for a test drive and see how it performs and how it feels. When you take the buggy for a test drive round the shop, think about:-

  • How easy it is to get round narrow aisles,
  • How easy it is to put up and put down again,
  • How small it is when its folded.
  • How heavy it is ( if you’re pregnant, get someone else to lift it as if they were putting it in your car boot) if they stagger under its weight then don’t buy it!
  • Where you’re going to keep it when its not in use,
  • If it will fit into your car boot.
  • Is it suitable from birth?
  • How many positions the back rest has? Ideally it should lie flat, as well have a few other positions such as semi-reclined and upright at the very least.
  • If it has storage like a basket under the buggy for shopping
  • Will it fit through your front door?
  • Check the height of the handle, especially if you or your partner are tall.

Some parents of twins find that they end up buying one buggy when their children are newborn then as their twins get bigger they get a lighter, stroller style buggy.

Ideally from the start your babies should be able to lie flat on their backs in the buggy. As they get slightly older  it is useful to have a semi-lying down position for those days when they want to see where they’re going, but when they’re tired and need a nap. The idea is that they can look around them when they’re still awake but yet doze off comfortably without needing to change position.

Obviously having an upright position is a must so that they can see where they’re going. There are buggies where you can turn the seats either to face inwards or outwards depending on your children’s age and stage (and mood!)

It is helpful to be able to see your children, some buggies have a little window in the hood so you can see what they’re doing.

It is nice at first to have them so you can see them and they can see you but as they get older they will be interested in what is going on around them and gain more out of facing forwards. Check what your buggy can do. Some have facility for one child to face one way and the other the other way which can work well.

Some buggies have the option of car seats that attach onto the buggy frame meaning you can drive somewhere, park up, remove the car seat from the car and put it on the buggy frame and start shopping without waking the twins up. This is ideal when they are very little but they do soon grow out of the car seats.

Ask other parents their view and read  reviews online

Ask other parents of twins what they think about the buggy they have bought. Your local twins club mums will have lots of tips  to help you choose a good buggy for you, and often have second hand buggies in great condition for sale or might even have a Nearly new sale. Look on the internet for reviews- most items now have online reviews to help you.

You can often pick up second hand double buggies from car boot sales, adds in your local newspaper, eBay, and newsagents windows. If you buy a buggy over the internet it would still be a good idea to go test drive the same model in a store so you can assess its ease of use and weight.

Types of Twin Buggy

There are several types of twin buggy available,

  • Twin Side by side
  • Tandem (one in front of the other)
  • Twin Pram
  • Twin Stroller

Some parents buy a couple of single buggies as well, so that they can either take just one twin out or they  can go ‘undercover’ when with another adult and avoid all the ‘oo it is twins?!’ style comments. I have also heard of people buying one single buggy and a baby sling which works for some people.

The side by side ones tend to be slightly wider so if you live in a place with narrow pavements or shops with small doors,  a tandem might be better.

Tandems have two seats, one in front of the other and tend to be good if you have narrow door ways or narrow pavements. Check that they are suitable from birth because not all are.

Twin Pram
It is possible to buy a double pram, but it is vital you check if your twins are going to be able to sit up when they are old enough and how small it is if you fold it up.

Some twin prams can be adapted with a pushchair seat for later on when they want to sit up and this is a good idea.

BUT, if the buggy is very heavy you might find that you end up downsizing to a stroller type buggy as they get older. If possible ask the assistant to show you the pram with its pushchair seats on, if it has them, so you can make a useful assessment on whether it will be too heavy.

Strollers are lightweight buggies which tend to fold up like an umbrella and take up less space to store. Some strollers are suitable from birth, but not all are. They may come with a cosy toes (which is a bit like a sleeping bag over the twins feet) these may have an additional cost, as may a rain cover.

At the end of the day it’s a personal choice choosing a buggy – it does depend a little on what type of lifestyle you have as to what buggy is best for you, obviously if you do lots of walking and don’t have a car, you will need something very different from the buggy another parent would need who drives everywhere. Also if you have lots of storage space you will be able to choose a buggy that doesn’t fold up so small, where as if space is tight a more compact model would be appropriate.

If you have lots of shopping to do, time is short and you have another adult with you, taking two single buggies can really save time. People don’t tend to stop you every 30 seconds exclaiming ‘oo is it twins?’ if you have two single buggies and don’t dress them alike. It also means that each twin can have one adult pointing out areas of interest and some one to one time too.

Alternative ideas-
Another way round the double buggy idea would be to buy a single buggy and a baby sling. You can take it in turns  which child is in the sling and which is in the bug

If you have triplets (or twins and another child who needs a buggy) what do you do?
Either buy a triplet buggy or a buggy board to go on your double buggy or put a small baby in a baby sling and get a double buggy. If you have more than two children and find supermarket shopping a struggle ask your local store to get you a family trolley. My twins got their own 4 seater trolley when my son was born – it had three toddler seats and a baby seat. If you don’t ask you don’t get!

Sleeping Arrangements (Cots/Cribs/Moses Baskets?)

Where are the babies going to sleep in the daytime?

Babies spend much of their first few weeks asleep so you need to think about where you are going to put them to sleep during the daytime.

There are several answers to this problem

  • Put them in their cots, and monitor them with a baby monitor and keep popping upstairs to double check they are ok.
  • Buy a good solid buggy or pram which lays flat and allow them to sleep in that.
  • Buy two Moses baskets and keep them downstairs
  • Buy a Travel Cot or an additional cot and keep this downstairs for them to sleep in.
  • Put them into Bouncy Chairs.

Where are they going to sleep at Night?

  • Are they going to be given a cot/ Moses basket in your room?
  • A cot in their own room?
  • A room each?
  • Do you want them to share a cot at first or would you prefer them to have their own cots right from day one? I suggest if you have space and can afford to buy two cots or moses baskets that you start them off separately.

Choose a solid sturdy cot with a range of positions for the mattress, you will need to have the cot mattress fairly high at first and then lower it when your children can stand up. Some people buy cot beds which allow you to use it first as a cot then as a bed.

These for some reason are often sold separately to cots, make sure you chose the correct size for the cot because they are not one uniform size, and if you can buy one with a zip off cover that would be an advantage too because when a child is sick you can then unzip the cover, pop it in the washing machine and let it dry on the line and it is fresh again.

Moses Baskets
Some people love Moses baskets and find they are wonderful for the early days after birth as you can allow baby to sleep in them and you can carry baby in his/her Moses  basket around the house. However other people find that they are expensive for what they are and that baby quickly grows out of them, so use your judgment as to whether you need them or not!

Baby Alarm
Choose one that has different channels on it and preferably battery back up and flashing lights.

Bath Time

Baby Bath
A plastic baby bath is a good idea, especially if you can get one that will slot over the bath. You can buy these at car boot sales and charity shops often in pristine condition as again, they are something that get used for a relatively short time before your children get big enough to go in the big bath. Please note that baby baths are not essential, I know of several people who managed fine without a baby bath.

Changing time

Changing Mat
Choose a changing mat that is wipe clean. If you live in a house buy two, one for upstairs and one for downstairs

Baby Box
Some people buy a box to put nappy kit in. This is quite useful to have. It can be a specially designed one or just a plastic or wicker box that you keep wipes, nappies, nappy cream, nappy sacks, and so on in

Nappies (diapers)
There are three main types of nappies (diapers)

  • Disposable : Choose ones for babies 6-11lbs for newborn babies, and choose the best quality nappy you can afford. If your babies are very small or come early you can always get some smaller ones. Certainly don’t stock up on very small nappies till you have seen the size of your twins, its not unheard of for twins to be 7lbs+ at birth.
  • Bio-degradable See the internet for details of stockists. These are kinder to the environment than ordinary nappies as they will slowly over time bio-degrade, causing less environmental damage.
  • Terry Towelling Traditional style nappies, or reusable cloth nappies, don’t forget to buy plastic pants and liners and nappy pins and a bucket to put dirty ones into. Some areas offer a nappy-laundering service look on the internet for details of availability in your area.

Nappy Sacks
These are great for putting smelly nappies into, you can usually buy really cheap ones about 300 nappy sacks for about a pound or less. Alternatively you can simply pop them in a carrier bag.


What about feeding the Babies?

Breastfeeding Twins.
If you are going to breast feed you will need to buy:

  • nursing bra’s and
  • possibly a breast pump
  • a selection of bottles
  • a sterilizer so that you can allow someone to feed your babies whilst you are out.

Do not get measured for your nursing bra until the very last minute as your breasts are likely to increase in size towards the end of your pregnancy/ in the first few days after birth.

You could get measured for a bra whilst you are in hospital if you have anyone who you could trust to buy you one. If not you will have to buy one just before you have your babies.

If you are planning on breast feeding exclusively you may want to have a look at some sterilizers and bottles and breast pumps so that you can express your milk and leave your babies some milk ready for someone else to feed your babies whilst you are out.

If you are not sure if breast feeding is going to be for you then wait until you feel you need a breast pump before buying one.

If you are going to bottle feed your twins you will need at least

  • 6 bottles,
  • a sterilizer,
  • a bottle brush and
  • a tin of formula milk.

Choosing teats:

  • Choose teats that are medium flow or for newborn.
  • If your babies are getting very tired bottle feeding try them on a slightly faster flow teat and see if this helps at all.


Sterilizers come in several formats:

  • Steam ones plug into the mains and operate in a similar way to your kettle, reaching the required temperature and then switching off
  • Cold water ones use chemicals to sterilize and take longer and are messier to use, but some people find them ideal as they are relatively cheap.
  • Microwave sterilizers These simply slot into your microwave and sterilize fairly quickly

Bouncy Chairs

These are great to have. Get them one each and check their covers are removable and washable.

Car Seats

There are several types of car seats on offer.

Bucket Type These are great for the first 6-9 months of your children’s life. You will have to replace them with a different kind after they reach 9 months of age though, so bear this in mind when thinking about what sort to buy. They are good though when your children are babies as they can be taken out of the car and carried ( still fast asleep if necessary !) into where ever you are going!

Reversible ones These car seats can be used from birth right up till school age, you put the car seat facing the rear when your babies are tiny and then once they get to around 9 months old you can turn them around and use them facing forwards. However ensure that they will fit into your car before you buy them.

Booster seat with removable back these are fine if you are choosing a car seat for a slightly older toddler.

Whatever type of car seat you chose to get, make sure that you get them fitted professionally and that they have removable and washable covers.

Buy Later as you need to:

  • High Chairs
  • Potties
  • Ride on Toys
  • Playpen
  • Feeding bowls and spoons



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Weaning Twins


Weaning is a gradual process where babies move from getting all their nourishment from milk to having solid food.

At first babies are offered bland, smooth, runny foods, gradually getting more lumpy and more tasty. Eventually you will be able to finely chop their food and offer them drinks from beakers.

It is really important not to rush the whole process, starting only when the individual child is ready to be weaned. It is not a race – it may be that a friends child of a similar age is ready to be weaned earlier than your child, or it may be that you have a hungry baby who will need a little more food than your friends child. It may be that one of your twins is ready to be weaned first or they may be ready at the same time.

Are my twins ready to be weaned? How will I know?
If your babies are nearly 26 weeks of age and showing the following symptoms they may be ready to be weaned.

If they are younger than 26 weeks  please consult your health visitor for advice. Also if your twins were premature it would be worthwhile speaking to your health team before weaning. Please note that the current WHO recommendation is for babies to be breastfed exclusively for the first 26 weeks of their lives.

There are a few indicators that your twins may be ready for weaning. Please note that very young babies showing these symptoms should NOT be weaned early, in this instance please contact your health visitor or GP for guidance.

  • May not settle contentedly after giving a full breast or bottle feed when the same amount had previously left them happy for 3 hours or more.
  • May be hungry within 3 hours of last being fed
  • May start waking after sleeping through
  • May be gnawing on hands in hunger
  • May start showing an interest in what other people are eating
  • May have doubled their birth weight

What do I do if one twin is ready to be weaned and the other one isn’t?
If one appears ready and the other one isn’t just wean the one who is ready. The other one will soon catch up.

What equipment do I need to wean twins?

  • Some soft spoons
  • A couple of soft spouted beakers
  • Some small bowls. We found that ones with a lip on them made them a lot easier to hold
  • If you are planning on making your own purrees you will need a hand blender, mouli, or liquidizer, and some ice cube trays or small pots to store prepared food in.

It would also help if you had a plastic mat or old towel to go on the floor and a couple of bibs with arms for your twins.

It is probably easier for you to offer them their food with them sitting in something to let you have your hands free. You can either use a bouncy chair if it is a fairly upright one, or a car seat or a high chair, or even sat up in their side by side buggy.

What is a good first food for my babies?
Many mums use baby rice as a first food. You can buy packets of baby rice at supermarkets, good food stores and chemists.

It is always really important to follow the directions on the packet. Never add any baby rice (or anything else) to a milk feed in a bottle.

The nice thing about baby rice is that it is fairly bland tasting and if you mix it with a little breast or formula milk it will taste fairly familiar to your baby. You can also make it nice and runny so it is easy for your baby to eat.

How do I start weaning my twins?
Firstly ensure that you choose a really good time of day to start – different families have different “good” times of the day. A mid morning, or lunchtime or mid afternoon feed might be a good time to start weaning.

Sterilize a couple of small pots. If you use babies bottles you can sterilize the lids and use those at first.

Give your twins half of their breast or bottle feed as you would normally do. Give their backs a gentle rub to get any wind up and then offer them a tiny amount of baby rice made really runny using some of your babies usual milk (or a small amount of cooled boiled water if you prefer) You will only need a really small amount of baby rice to begin with. Your babies will probably only want a teaspoon of baby rice or two at the first attempt. That is absolutely fine. Finish off the breast or bottle feed as usual.

For the rest of the first day give them milk feeds as usual.

The next day do the same again, offering a couple of teaspoons of baby rice at one meal.

How much baby rice should I give my babies at first?
At first they will need probably only a couple of teaspoonsful but all babies are slightly different so you will have to use your judgement as to how much each of your individual babies need.

Aim to slowly build up the quantities given.

One bowl and spoon or two bowls and two spoons?

I know that some mums do use just the one bowl and spoon, finding it easier. However for hygiene reasons it may be better to use two bowls and two spoons.

Also if you use two bowls and two spoons you will be able to gauge how much each baby has had where as it will not be as clear if you use just the one bowl and spoon.

When your babies are a little older you might want to offer them a spoon each. If you dip the spoon into their food they will occasionally get some in their mouths and this is the first step to them feeding themselves.

If you have someone to help you you can feed them both at the same time, but if not you will have to decide whether to feed one twin or triplet first and then the other(s) or to feed them each one spoonful at a time.

Introducing new tastes to your baby

Once your babies have got used to taking baby rice you can start to introduce different tastes.

Try at first giving a little cooked pureed apple or pear or a little raw pureed banana. Carrot or sweet potato cooked and pureed is also a popular choice with mums as a first taste.

If the consistency is too thick you can make it runnier by simply adding a little of their usual milk to it

Be patient with your baby, it can often take a while for a baby to like a particular taste.

Gradually increase the amount of food you are giving at each meal according to your babies appetites. Ensure they still get a good quantity of breast or formula milk. Babies should have around a pint or 500-600 ml of milk a day even when weaned.

If you are weaning your twins between 17 and 26 weeks of age avoid

  • Citrus fruits
  • Gluten
  • Shellfish (not before 12 months)
  • Nuts (not before 12 months)
  • Honey (not before 12 months)
  • Meat
  • Dairy
  • fish
  • egg

When your babies are around 6-9 months old
Once your babies are 6-9 months old you can introduce pasta, bread, meat, dairy products, cooked eggs, and some fish.

When your babies are 6 months + it is fine to stop boiling tap water unless of course you are on holiday abroad or if there is a problem with your water supply. In this case it is still best to boil it.

Also at 6 months + you are able to use cows milk in cooking.

It is always a good idea to avoid salt and sugar in cooking if possible. Watch out for foods which also have a high salt content such as soy sauce, and ready made stock unless you buy the sort especially designed for babies.

As your babies get older they will be able to begin having their food mashed rather than pureed. It is a vital skill to be able to chew food but can take a little while to learn.

Introduce finger foods. Once your babies are around 7 or 8 months old you can begin to introduce finger foods. Finger foods can be anything that can be picked up and eaten using fingers. At first your baby may chew on the food or attempt to suck it, don’t worry they will soon get the hang of it. You could offer a slice of toast cut into soldiers or a chunk of cheese, or a piece of bread. Small sandwiches can be made with soft fillings.

 Ensure you stay with your babies when eating especially when introducing finger foods as there is always a  danger of choking.

By 12 months old your babies are likely to be eating similar food to the family and having it chopped up for them. They will still need around a pint of formula milk or breast feeds each day as well as a mid morning and mid afternoon healthy snack to keep their energy levels up.

Dropping a night feed.
Once your babies are eating around 3 meals a day and are having plenty of daytime drinks you will probably find that they you will be able to drop a night feed. If you find they wake up and want to be fed, try to work out whether they are hungry or whether they are just needing comfort. Obviously if they are hungry they need a night feed so feed them.

If they do wake up hungry it may be worth trying to adjust the amount of food they eat in the daytime to prevent them being hungry in the night. Try offering them a slightly larger portion at tea time, or give them supper or a late night bottle / breast feed before YOU go to bed so that that you are not woken up in the night.

If they are waking up in the night wanting a bottle or breast feed and you think they are not hungry you could try offering them a bottle of milk but with less formula powder than usual (dropping one scoop of formula powder per night until it is just boring plain water) That often deters them from midnight meanderings! Never leave a bottle in your child’s cot.

If you have any questions about weaning contact your health visitor or GP for advice


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Twin Pregnancy and Birth

Could I be pregnant with Twins or Triplets? How can I tell?woman preg
Some people have “worse” symptoms when expecting twins or triplets, they may feel ultra tired, weepy, or very emotional. You may feel or be very sick, you may look very big for your dates. You may have very sore breasts, you may just “know” you are pregnant with twins.

However some people who have twins have a regular amount of early pregnancy symptoms, and others seem to get away with feeling the same as ever!!

I can’t be expecting twins can I, there are no twins in my family?
You just might be having twins, as there are a number of other factors which affect the ability to have twins, such as your age, your race, and whether you have had any form of assistance to get pregnant. If you have non-identical (fraternal) twins in the family you have an increased chance of having non-identical twins yourself but many people have had twins without anyone in the family having twins before them.

When will I know if it’s twins?
If you think you might be pregnant with twins or more get in touch with your health centre. They will be able to confirm your pregnancy and if necessary book you in for an early scan.

Some people find out very early on that they are expecting twins during an early dating scan, others find out towards the middle of their pregnancy.

I have been told that I have two sacs but then they said it might not be twins, I’m confused, help!
If you find out you are having twins very early on (in the first 5-12 wks) you might be told that they can see “two sacs”. Instantly you will probably think “twins” in some cases you might even be told you are carrying twins. Sometimes however in the first crucial weeks the second sac vanishes or is reabsorbed or is miscarried, so that on a later scan there is only one sac visible. Usually by around 12 wks it is possible to tell whether or not both sacs have signs of life, and it is around then when you will find out that you really are having twins or not.

This is known as Vanishing Twin Syndrome. It is more common than you would probably imagine. It is a very emotional time for parents who are told at an early scan that they may be carrying twins only to find out from a later scan that only one sac has in fact taken. You are by far not the only parents going through this.

Historically mums were not given early scans so in the past people may have started off carrying two sacs and then gone on to have just one baby, completely oblivious to the fact that they started off with two sacs.

If you experience vaginal bleeding during twin pregnancy whether accompanied by pain or not, get medical help.

So you are having twins/ triplets?
Expecting twins and triplets can be a shock, a delight or a worry (or all three) and it is not uncommon for you to go through a cycle of emotions, one minute grinning your head off and the next being very weepy. Some of you may feel that it is a disaster, the worse thing that could happen to you, these kinds of thoughts are not uncommon.  This is all perfectly normal.

Please note that if you have any medical worries you should contact your midwife, hospital, or GP for advice, I cannot comment on medical problems.

PhotoHow long does a twin pregnancy last?
Twin pregnancy generally lasts for around 37 weeks, triplet pregnancies around 34 wks (single pregnancies tend to be around 40 weeks) so a twin pregnancy is a fraction shorter than when you have only one on board!

How will a twin pregnancy differ from a single pregnancy?

  • You may feel extra tired, or more sick during the first trimester (three months) as your body is having to work extra hard to produce two extra people!
  • During your pregnancy you will be asked to go for more scans and ante-natal appointments than with a single birth. This is to ensure that both babies are developing at the correct rate and that you do not have high blood pressure or any signs of pre-eclampsia.  In the case of identical twins who are sharing a placenta, you will be monitored for twin to twin transfusion syndrome.
  • You may be offered a more limited choice of birthing options when expecting twins, as many health teams prefer multiple births to be hospital based, so may discourage you from having a home birth.
  • Some hospitals employ the policy that mums must give birth to their twins by caesarean, but there are plenty who now favour vaginal deliveries of twins. At your first appointment with your hospital, you may want to discuss with your medical team the options available to you for the birth.
  • Some hospitals encourage people who are attempting to give birth vaginally to have an epidural, which numbs the spine but allows mum to remain conscious throughout as this can be easily topped up if an additional anesthetic is needed (like in cases where an emergency caesarean or episiostomy is required)

We’re expecting twins. HELP

My partner was so shocked to find out we are having twins he hasn’t spoken since we found out, and I can’t stop crying -one minute I am elated the next minute I worry that I will never be able to cope – HELP!

Finding out you are having twins can be an enormous shock. Some of you will be delighted, others will be very daunted by the thought of raising twins. Others will be speechless, and others so incredibly happy they will have a smile on their faces for weeks after finding out. If you are worrying about having twins or worried that you won’t cope please get in touch for a few kind words of reassurance! Having twins is really not as bad as people make out. It can be great fun!

If you are feeling a bit daunted by the idea then panic not, Twinsonline is here to help you cope. If you keep crying don’t worry it is probably just your pregnancy hormones running riot in your body, in a few weeks it should all settle down again and you will feel a lot stronger! If you are worrying, try to talk to your partner and best friend about it, sometimes just telling someone how you feel helps a lot.

Will I have to have a caesarean?
This depends on

  • Whether you have had a Caesarean before
  • How your babies are lying in the uterus- if they are both breech you will almost definitely have to have a c-section. If one twin’s head is down and engaged towards the end of your pregnancy it is fairly likely you may be able to attempt a vaginal birth
  • Your hospital’s birthing policy, some hospitals have the policy that ALL twin births are by caesarean.
  • Any underlying medical reasons where attempting a vaginal birth would put the health of either you or your babies at risk.
  • If you have monochorionic twins (identical twins sharing a chorion) you might be asked to have a caesarean- ask your health team if this applies to you.

If I give birth to twins vaginally will I have to go through labour twice?
No! You have the same first and third stage of labour (your cervix will dilate as normal, and you will deliver the placenta as you would with a single birth.) It is the second stage (the pushing part) that you repeat twice. Generally it does not take that long to push the second twin out, so have no fear you will not be going through the whole of labour twice.

Should I eat for three?
No! You should aim to have plenty of NUTRIENTS but this does NOT mean you should eat for three (sorry folks!) ensure everything you eat is high in nutrients and have plenty of fruit and vegetables and protein as well as some carbohydrate.

It is sensible to avoid foods high in vitamin A (such as liver and liver products, pate etc, as well as regular vitamin pills) Always wash salad carefully, avoid anything with raw or uncooked egg (home-made mayo, home-made mousse etc) Cook meat thoroughly and avoid any cheeses made with unpasteurised milk. Caffeine should be taken in very small quantities. Alcohol is best avoided if at all possible although a couple of units a week will  probably be fine.

Have a Healthy Twin Pregnancy

There are a few things that you can do to have a healthy twin pregnancy. These include:-

  • Managing steady (but not excessive) weight gain
  • Remaining Active without overdoing it
  • Eating a sensible healthy and tasty diet
  • Resting enough to allow your body to meet the extra demands a twin pregnancy places on it
  • Ensuring that your body has the required amount of nutrients and supplements
  • Protecting your body from disease
  • Emotional health – keeping your spirits up and your mind healthy.

Steady Weight Gain
The key to sensible weight gain is to eat small meals  and snacks which are highly nutritious on a regular basis.

Snacks include

  • sandwiches on wholemeal bread,
  • carrot sticks,
  • pieces of fruit,
  • a yoghurt,
  • slices of malt loaf,
  • pitta bread.

Instead of having three large meals a day have three sensible sized meals and a few snacks in between never go for more than 3 hours during the day without having something to eat and drink.

Try not to miss meals, or have large meals especially in the latter stages of your pregnancy. Avoid anything that has a high fat, salt or sugar content or that is highly processed.  Never eat for three, you do NOT need three times as many calories, you just need a sensible amount of highly nutritious food to maintain your body.

Remaining Active
Go for short walks or for a swim if your doctor agrees. Always double check first whilst pregnant as your doctor might have a good reason for you to avoid this. Whilst it is important to rest plenty whilst you are pregnant with twins it is important that you do keep having a little walk round (unless obviously you have been told to have complete bed rest) this prevents deep vein thrombosis developing.  Try to avoid heavy lifting and active contact sports (especially extreme sports)

If you are still working you will need to create times in your day to rest or shuffle your working patterns around to suit you

If you get a chance to a have a little lie in then take it, also if you are able to have an afternoon nap after work then that would also be good. If you really must cook dinner, try putting something simple into a casserole, add jacket potatoes and put your feet up whilst it cooks. Try to have relatively early nights and try to relax as much as you can after work.

If your boss is forward thinking he or she may allow you to work from home a couple of times a week. Use the time saved commuting to work to have a lie in and the time saved on the journey home from work to have a rest even if it is with a good magazine or book. You might find that your job is not suitable for someone who is pregnant. If this is the case ask your boss to find you a job to do that is suitable

Supplementary Help!
When you first find out you are pregnant ensure you take folic acid for the first 12 weeks of your pregnancy. Avoid regular vitamin supplements as they can be high in vitamin A and also Iron.

If you wish to take vitamins choose ones specially formulated for pregnant ladies.  Double check that any other medicines you would normally take (including the over the counter drugs you might take such as painkillers, herbal remedies etc) are suitable for use during pregnancy. If you normally use aromatherapy oils consult your therapist about which are safe to use in pregnancy as some of them like clary sage are NOT.

Protect your body from disease
Protect your body from disease by avoiding the company of anyone suffering from chicken pox, or German measles (or any other illness) ensure that you cook carefully any products containing eggs and chicken to minimise the risk of catching salmonella.

Avoid home made mayonnaise and mousse recipes as these contain raw egg.  Ensure you wash all salad items carefully (including cucumber) and avoid soft cheeses that have been made from unpasteurised milk products.

Avoid cleaning out the cat’s litter tray (if you absolutely HAVE to clean it out wear gloves and wash you hands extremely carefully afterwards) as cat poo can unfortunately carry a germ called toxoplasmosis which can cause severe problems for the baby (including blindness and stillbirth)

Relax – keep your spirits up!
Keep your spirits up by trying to relax as much as possible, think plenty of positive thoughts, see your friends as often as possible (if all else fails invite them round for coffee, get them to put the kettle on, ask them to make it and sit with your feet up having a good catch up)

If you have any concerns about your twin pregnancy don’t forget to call your doctor or obstetrician or midwife -They are PAID to help you

If you have any questions about what you need to buy, how to organize your nursery ready for the arrival of twins, how to cope with newborn twins or simply just want to talk to someone who has had twins then e-mail Twinsonline at the usual address.

Giving Birth to Twins

doctors baby twinsWhat are my birthing options for twins/triplets?
When you find out you are having twins/triplets ask your midwife/ obstetrician what options are open to you for the birth.

Often water births and home births are discouraged.Photo

However if you have strong opinions about how you would like the birth to progress then say so to the hospital. You have a right to tell them how you would like to birth your twins.

Ask your health team to explain why they want you to give birth in a certain way and what risks/ benefits are involved.

Once you have talked it through you might have a re-think but it is good to discuss your options and the pros and cons of each choice. If you have strong views about how you would like to give birth to your twins/triplets please speak to your health team about your available options.

Worried about giving birth to your twins?
If you are worried about giving birth to your twins, talk to your health team -they should be able to give you reassurance.

Are all twins delivered by Caesarean?
No. Not all twins are premature or delivered by caesarean, some are delivered full term and vaginally.

If you have a straightforward twin pregnancy and are not showing any signs of medical problems you may well be able to go to term before having your twins.

Some mums are induced at around 37+ wks which involves having a hormonal pessary inserted into the vagina to spark off labour.

There are three ways you can give birth to twins:-

  • Vaginally
  • By caesarean section (C-section)
  • Mixed (both vaginally and c-section)

What reasons might I have a caesarean?

  • your babies are both breech
  • you already had a caesarean *(talk to your health team they may opt to deliver your babies vaginally or by caesarean)
  • your babies need to be delivered urgently due to complications
  • your labour is not progressing quickly enough and your baby is distressed
  • your babies are monochorionic monoamniotic – i.e. sharing a chorion and amniotic sac. Sometimes your health team prefer to deliver monoamniotic twins by caesarean due to the risk of the umbilical chords tangling during a vaginal delivery. If your twins are monoamniotic talk to your health team about birth options available to you.

Is it possible to have a vaginal delivery with twins?
It can be if your babies are lying in the right way towards the end of your pregnancy and there are no other complications which would make a caesarean delivery more suitable.

If you have one baby who is lying head first down towards the end of your pregnancy vaginal delivery may be attempted.

Giving Birth to Twins Vaginally
Whilst this may make you gulp at the thought of it, it really doesn’t take that much longer than having just one baby. Your cervix dilates as it would do for just one baby, and then you do the pushing part twice and the rest is just the same as having just one baby. You may be advised to have an epidural which numbs you from the waist down which can be ‘topped up’ if you need a caesarean.

Giving birth to Twins via C-section (caesarean)
Some of you will have an elective caesarean, this is where you are given a date for the operation and you arrive at the hospital on the appropriate day.

Caesareans can be performed under a local anaesthetic using an epidural which numbs you from the waist down. A screen will be put up so that you can’t see the actual operation.

However some of you may need an emergency caesarean for whatever reason. You may be given a general anaesthetic which means you will be asleep for the birth. If you have attempted to give birth vaginally and have an epidural in place you may be able to have this topped up and remain conscious for the birth.Photo

Recovering from a caesarean 
This takes time, it is a major operation and therefore you should go easy on yourself. For a short while you will be sore so if you can get yourself plenty of help this will make life easier.

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Newborn Twins

In Hospital
My cute angels
How long will I be in hospital for?

This depends a lot on your circumstances. It could be for a few days or may be just overnight, depending on how well you and your babies are, how the birth went, if you had a caesarean or vaginal delivery, how far you are from the hospital and if you are a first time mum or not. The best person to ask about this would be your midwife or consultant who will be able to give guidance

The first few days after the birth will be taken up mainly with the following things.

If you already have other children you will already know how to bath, hold, change and feed babies which will give you a good head start.

First time parents please don’t be afraid to ask the midwife on the ward for help with establishing breastfeeding or how to bottle feed, how to bath your babies and so on. They are trained to help you.

Down to Business – the low down on nappy changing
Before you start to change your babies nappies ensure you have everything you are likely to need to hand there within reach.

This may include

  • New nappies,
  • Nappy wipes or cotton wool and cooled boiled water
  • Nappy sacks
  • Fresh baby grow, body suit etc.
  • Bin or disposal unit for used nappy
  • Laundry basket for soiled baby clothes

Meconium – first baby poo which is a blackish green colour and passed usually within first 24 hours

Don’t be too alarmed if your babies nappies contain a blackish green stool within the first 24 hours after birth. This is called meconium and is perfectly normal. After a day or two your babies bowel movements will change to a yellowish colour. The consistency of this varies depending on whether or not your babies are bottle fed.  If you are worried about your babies bowel movements mention it to your midwife who will be able to have a look for you and check that it is ‘normal’.

When changing nappies it is important to get rid of any traces of poo from the skin to prevent nappy rash and soreness developing. Nappies need to be changed regularly especially at first when your babies may be doing poos up to 4 or 5 times a day.

It is a good idea to get your partner, the new grandparents etc trained to change nappies right from the start.

Recovering from Giving Birth to Twins
It will take a while for your body to recover from having twins. You can help it to recover by getting plenty of rest, drinking plenty of water, eating good quality foods regularly. If you have had a caesarean you will more than likely need to have someone to help you lift the babies up at first too. If you have any offers of help take them, as it will help you to recover. You don’t need to do everything yourself to make you a good mum or dad.

Catching up on much needed sleep whilst still in hospital
How much sleep you can get whilst in hospital really depends on how busy the hospital is and if you are in your own room or not. Those of you who are lucky enough to ‘bag’ a room to yourself have a little more chance of getting some sleep than those of you who have to share a busy ward with other mums and babies.

If your babies are asleep try to get some sleep yourself if at all possible. It is likely that the midwives will be popping in to check on you and you will also have visitors who are coming to wish you well, so any chance you get, grab it and get your head down even if its just for a short while.

Visitors will almost certainly wanting to come and see your new babies which is absolutely fine as long as you manage to co-ordinate the crowd successfully. It helps if you can arrange a suitable time for your visitors to come in advance, so that you don’t end up with everyone visiting at the same time.

If you want some quiet time with your partner and babies or just need a few hours sleep, don’t be afraid to suggest and alternative time for your visitors to come to see you.

Going Home
Once you have got to grips with feeding your babies and are feeling a little more confident and have been checked over by your health team, you will be able to go home.

Before you go home ensure that your partner or a friend or family member has organised your home so that you can come back into it with a minimum of fuss.

 They may need to bring some essential items to the hospital such as

  • Car Seats
  • Coat for you
  • Snowsuits or Blankets for your babies
  • Some proper clothes for you (a tracksuit or other comfortable outfit would be ideal)
  • A suitcase to carry home all your belongings unless you have kept it with you

At home it would be helpful if you partner/friend/ family have organised the following

  • The babies cots/ moses baskets are made up,
  • The changing mat set up with items you need next to them,
  • There was plenty of tea and coffee, milk, as well as a hot meal ready for your return.
  • Ensure that there are enough nappies for a few days
  • If you are planning on bottle feeding that you have plenty of formula milk.

First Night at Home
When you come home with your baby twins for the first time, try to have a relatively quiet evening. If you have an answering machine, put it on. You will be feeding your babies around every 3-4 hours so that will take much of your time. In between feeds get as much rest as you can, and keep eating regularly.

First Weeks
If you feel up to it, it might help you to get showered and dressed into something comfortable. Obviously if you have had a caesarean this might not be possible, but if you can manage it, it might help you feel a bit more ‘human’ again and ready to cope.

Ensure that YOU have some breakfast and a hot drink first thing, this fuels your body ready to face the day.

Your babies will need to be fed every 2-4 hours in the first few weeks, night and day. The reason for this is because their tummies are only tiny and unable to hold very much milk at a time. Also they tire quickly so need to take on a little milk frequently.

Establishing a Daytime Routine with Twins
Your daily routine will essentially revolve around feeding your babies, changing them, winding them, and letting them sleep whilst catching up on some sleep yourselves.

If you can feed them both at the same time you will be able to get them into a similar feeding and sleeping pattern, but some mums prefer to feed one then the other for at least some of the feeds. At the end of the day you have to do whatever it is that works best for you.

During the day you can change their nappies before a feed to ‘wake them up’ a bit if you need to. If however you notice that they ‘poo’ after a feed, wait and change them then.

Once you have fed your babies, changed them and winded them, you can then put them down to sleep or in their baby bouncer chairs to have some ‘awake’ time

When you are doing your chores around the house, take your twins with you in their bouncer chairs or in their moses baskets. Make plenty of noise, have the radio or the tv on if you want, and make general ‘daytime’ noises.

Your babies will need plenty of time to sleep, especially in the early days after birth.

My baby twins just won’t let me put them down, what can I do?
If you find that they cry every time you put them down check that they are not uncomfortable in any way see checklist. If you have found that they are not hungry, hot, cold, etc try putting them into their cots/ moses baskets and leaving the room, sometimes they get fractious. Give them a few minutes to calm down, go make yourself a cup of tea, and then go back to them. Be aware that some babies like to comfort feed (especially when you’re breastfeeding) -they are not hungry but just like the sensation of suckling.

Establishing a Night time Routine for Newborn Twins
At night time it is very important to keep things as dull as possible for your babies. If you fit a dimmer switch to the bedroom light you can switch the light onto the dimmest setting rather than putting the bright over head light on. If it is not possible to get a dimmer switch you might find it helps to get a table lamp in the room with a night light bulb in it, so you can see what you are doing without fully waking them up.

Change their nappies only if they are very wet/ dirty.

If one of your twins wakes up, it would be a good idea to wake the other one up, unless you find it very hard to feed them both together. If this is the case, feed the one that is awake first THEN awaken the other one, and feed them. This works well until your babies are around 12 wks + where it may be possible to leave the other one until they wake up (as they may actually sleep though)

Before you go to bed make sure you have a couple of bottles ready to feed them if you are bottle feeding. This way you won’t be making bottles in the middle of the night, with your babies screaming.

When should I establish a bath/story/bed routine?
During the first 12 wks you will probably find that day and night all ‘blur together’ to some extent, in one round of feeding and changing.

From around 12 wks onwards it would be a good idea to introduce a more peaceful time after their mid-evening bottle, changing them into a different baby grow or putting them into a baby grow rather than being in their ‘proper’ clothes.

Whether you decide to bath them at night is really up to you. Some parents find that their babies are not keen on baths and therefore give them a bath every few days, others find that they like to give them a daily bath, some mums find that they have more energy in a morning to bath their babies and do it then. Work out what works for your family and go with that.

By the time they are around 4-6 months old it would be helpful for them to have a slightly more rigid routine.

Coping with Crying Twins

If your babies are crying it could be that they are:

  • Too hot or cold
  • Hungry
  • Bored
  • Too tired
  • Needing a cuddle
  • Wet or dirty
  • Full of wind, need burping
  • Uncomfortable

If your baby/babies are ill, got a high temperature, drowsy, or not producing 6-8 wet nappies a day, get medical help immediately

How can I cuddle both of my twins at the same time?
It can be hard to cuddle both of them at the same time, but you will find a way. You could sit down and put both of them on your knee or you could put one twin under a baby gym and then cuddle the other one, then swap over.

It is  fine to cuddle one at a time if you want to, you don’t always have to cuddle them both together.Photo

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தமிழ் வார்த்தைகள் அப்படியே சிங்களத்தில்

  சிங்கள மொழியின் மூலம் சமஸ்கிருதம் என்றாலும்கூட வடக்கு/கிழக்கு இலங்கையை ஆண்டவர்கள் தமிழ் மன்னர்கள் என்பதாலும்,  2000 ஆண்டுகளாக இலங்கைத் தீவின் அரசாட்சி மொழிகளாக இரண்டும் இருப்பதாலும், பல வருடங்கள் பாண்டிய/சோழ பேரரசின் கீழ் இருந்ததாலும் பல தமிழ் வார்த்தைகள் அப்படியே சிங்களத்தில் குறிப்பிடப்படுகின்றன. அதாவது தமிழ் சொல்லின் கடைசி எழுத்தில் அ(யா) சேர்த்தால்போதும் – அது சிங்களம்.

தமிழ் – சிங்களம்
அம்மா- அம்மே (மலையாள அம்மேதான்!)
அக்கா – அக்கே
மச்சான் ௦- மஸ்சினா
அண்ணா- ஐயா
அப்பா – தாத்தா
ஆச்சி – ஆச்சி
மாமா – மாமா
இலக்கம் – இலக்கம
அங்கம் – அங்க
அங்கூரம் – அங்குர
அங்கம்/பிரிவு – அங்ஸய
வீதி -வீதி
இரட்டை – இரட்ட
வாகனம் – வாகனய
உதாரணம் – உதாரணய
முதலாளி – முதலாளிய
குடை – குடைய-
கடை -கடைய
அப்பம் – ஆப்ப
இடியப்பம் – இதியாப்ப
வடை – வடே
தினம் – தினய
காலம் – காலய
வருடம் – வர்ஸய
சரீரம் – சரீரய
இடம் – இடம
மூலஸ்தானம் – மூலஸ்தானய
ஸ்தானம் -ஸ்தானய
ஆகாரம் – ஆகாரய
நீர்/ஜலம் – ஜலய
சக்தி – சக்திய
உச்சம் – /உஸ
விசேடம் – விஷேச
கல் – கல்


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  • HOTSPOT SHIELD உபயோகிக்கும்போது இணையதள வேகம் குறைவாக இருக்கும்
  • HOTSPOTSHIELD விளம்பரம் வராது!

முக்கியக் குறிப்பு: கண்ட கண்ட தளங்களைப் பார்க்கவோ அல்லது பிட்டு வீடியோக்களை பார்க்கவோ இதை உபயோகப்படுத்தினால் கம்பேனி பொறுப்பல்ல!!!
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ஹாலிவுட்-ல் அராபியர்கள்


ஹாலிவுட் படங்களைப் பார்க்கும் தமிழர்களின் எண்ணிக்கை அதிகம் தான். சாஃட்வேர் தொழில்கள் கணிசமான இளைஞர்களின் வாழ்கைத் தரத்தினை உயர்த்திவிட்டது. திரையரங்கு கொத்துகளும் (Multiplex) ஆங்காங்கே முளைத்துவிட்டன.

ஜேம்ஸ்பாண்ட் (James Bond) போன்ற முதலாளித்துவ வாழ்க்கையை தூக்கிப் பிடிக்கும் படங்கள் முதல், சாதாரண குழந்தைகளுக்கான கார்டூன்கள் வரை அப்படங்களில் வரும் வில்லன்கள் அதிகபட்ச வாய்ப்புகளுடன் அவர் ஒரு கருப்பராகவோ, ரஷ்யனாகவோ அல்லது ஒரு இஸ்லாமிய மத அடையாளங்களுடனோ அல்லது சீனா, ஹாங்காங் போன்ற நாடுகளில் உள்ளவராகவோ இருப்பார்.

பழைய ரோஜர்-மூர் (Roger Moore) ஜேம்ஸ் பாண்டாக நடித்த படங்களிலும் இதே கதைத்தான். பியர்ஸ் ப்ராஸ்னன் (Pierce Brosnan) நடித்த படங்களிலும் இதே கதைத் தான். ஸ்பீல்பர்க் (Steven Spielberg) படங்களும் விதி விலக்கல்ல. தனது நிற மக்களான யூதர்களுக்கு நேர்ந்த கொடுமைகளை மக்களுக்கு சொல்ல ஷின்ட்லர்ஸ்-லிஸ்ட் (Schindlers List) எனும் திரைப்படத்தில் படம் பிடிக்கும் அவர், தனது திரைப்பட தொடரான இண்டியான-ஜோன்ஸ்-ல் (Indiana Jones) பல கலாச்சாரங்களையும் மக்களையும் தாக்கி எடுத்திருப்பார். அர்னால்டு-ஸ்வாஸ்னேகர் நடித்த படங்களிலும், சில்வஸ்டர்-ஸ்டாலோன் நடித்த படங்களிலும் வில்லனைப் பொறுத்த இலக்கணம் இதுதான். ராம்போவினயும், ட்ரூ-லைஸ்-யினையும் மறந்து இருக்க மாட்டீர்கள். மேலும் போதை பொருட்கள் பற்றிய காட்சிகள் அல்லது சதித்திட்டம் தீட்டப்படும் காட்சிகள் ஆகியவைகள் திரைபடங்களில் வந்தால், அந்த காட்சியில் சம்பத்தப் பட்டவர்கள் வெள்ளையர்களாக இருந்தாலும் கூட, இந்த காட்சிகள் நடக்கும் இடத்தில் தூரத்தில் ஒரு அராபியரும் (சகிதம் அவர்களின் கலாச்சார உடையில்) தென்படுவதுபோல் பார்த்துக் கொள்வார்கள்.

மேலும் மேலைநாட்டுக் கலாசாரத்திற்கு மாறுபட்ட கலாச்சாரம் உள்ள நாடுகளில் ஏதாவது ஒரு பிரச்சனையை பற்றிய படம் எண்று வைத்துக்கொள்வோம். அப்படங்களில் அப்பிரச்சனைகளை யார் வந்து தீர்த்து வைப்பாரெனில், ஒரு வெள்ளை நிறத்தினைச் சேர்ந்த மேலை நாட்டுக்காரராகவே இருப்பார். 🙂 அப்பிரச்சனைகள் ஆஃப்கானிஸ்தானத்தில் இருந்தாலும் சரி, லைபீரியா, சியராலியோன், கென்யா, சூடான் போன்ற ஆப்பிரிக்க நாடுகளில் நடந்தாலும் சரி. அல்லது பர்மா, சீனா, கொரியா போன்ற ஆசிய நாடுகளானாலும் சரி. ஒரு வெள்ளையர் வந்து அந்த நாட்டு இனத்தினைச் சேர்ந்த வில்லன்களிடமிருந்து அந்த நாட்டு மக்களைக் காப்பாற்றுவார். அது தான் இலக்கணம்.

தீயவர்களைச் சித்தரிப்பதில் மிகச் சன்னமாகவாவது இது போன்ற காட்சிகள் வரும். (இதைத் தான் இயக்குனர் ஷங்கர், தனது வலதுசாரி தேசியவாத சங் சித்தாந்தத்தில் அமைந்த “அன்னியன்” எனும் திரைப்படத்தில் கையாண்டு உள்ளதாக எனது நண்பன் கூறுவான். நான் அப்படத்தினைப் பார்க்க வில்லை.)

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பச்சிளம் குழந்தைக்கு பாதுகாப்பான உணவு

Imthy Mohamed

”அடிச்சட்டி ஆனை போல” எனச் சொல்லி நம் வீட்டுப் பாட்டி, பருப்பு சாதத்தின் கடைசி உருண்டையை வழித்து, ”வேணாம் போதும்!” என மழலை சைகைமொழியில் மறுக்கும் 9 மாத குழந்தையை மயக்கி, அந்த சின்ன மீன் குஞ்சின் வாய் போல் இருக்கும் செல்லப் பேத்தியின் உதடு நோகாமல், ஊட்டும் அழகு அலாதி. எங்க வீட்டு நெய் மணமோ அல்லது மாமியாரது கை மணமோ பிள்ளை சாப்பிட்டதில் கிடைக்கும் மகிழ்ச்சி தாய்க்கு வேறெதிலும் கிடைப்பதில்லை.

தன் அழகு செல்லம், ஆரோக்கியச் செல்லமாக ஊட்டமாக வளர என்ன செய்ய வேண்டும்? பிள்ளைக்கு உணவூட்டுவது பிரம்ம பிரத்தனமாக மாறிவருகிறதே..எப்படி என் கைக்குழந்தையை கருத்தாக சாப்பிட வைத்து கட்டுடல் பெற வைப்பது? இந்த அறிவியல் ஒரு அற்புதமான கலை.

ஆரோக்கியமான, சரியான உடல் எடையுடன் குழந்தை பெற்றெடுக்க வேண்டுமெனில், கருத்தரித்த காலம் முதல், முதல் வாந்தியில் நாணச் சிரிப்பு வந்த நாள் முதல் அக்கறை அவசியம். அப்போது துவங்கும் மெனக்கிடல் மட்டுமே, போஷாக்காக பொசு பொசுவென குழந்தையைப் பெற்றிட உதவிடும்.

கருத்தரிக்கத் திட்டமிட்டவுடன் முதலில் ஃபோலிக் அமில சத்து இரும்புச் சத்து சரியான அளவில் உணவில் இருப்பது அவசியம். அப்போது தான் குழந்தைக்கு தண்டுவட நோய் (spina bifida), சிறுத்த தலை(anancephali) முதலியன நேராமல் இருக்கும்.தாமரை கிழங்கு தண்டு வட இந்தியாவில் பிரபலமானது போல் தென்னாட்டுடையவருக்கு பரிச்சயமில்லை. இந்த தாமரை கிழங்கு ஃபோலிக் அமில சத்து நிறைந்தது. கூடுதலாக தினசரி கீரை, ஸ்பைருலினா(கடல்பாசி), பட்டாணி, கொண்டைக்கடலை, சோளம், கோழிக்கறி(ஈரல்) இவையும் அடிக்கடி சாப்பிட வேண்டும். தவழும் போதே ’செக்கோஸ்லோவேகியா’ சொல்லும் குழந்தைக்கு ’டிஹெச்ஏ’ அவசியம் என்பதை இன்றைய அறிவியல் வலியுறுத்தத் துவங்கி விட்டது. அதற்கு கருத்தரித்துள்ள காலம் தொட்டு, பாலூட்டும் சமயம் எல்லாம் ஒமேகா 3 கொழுப்பு அமிலம் அவசியம். இந்த ஒமேகா கொழுப்பு மீன் உணவில் அதிகம் உண்டு. மீன் சாப்பிடாதவருக்கு சணல் விதை எண்ணெய்(flax seed oil) அதிகம் ஒமேகா அளிக்கும். இவை தவிர விட்டமின் பி-6, விட்டமின் சி, விட்டமின் டி, கால்சியம், இரும்பு, இன்னும் பல கனிமங்கள் கூடுதல் தேவை.

கருத்தரிக்கும் போது படிப்படியாக 12 கிலோவரை எடை கூட வேண்டும்.கிட்ட்தட்ட 350 கலோரி உணவு கருத்தரித்த காலத்தில் பெண்ணுக்கு கூடுதலாகத் தேவை. பாலூட்டும் காலத்தில் தாய் எடுக்கும் உணவை பொறுத்தே குழந்தையின் எடையும் புரதச் சத்தும் அமையும். ஆனால் ஒரு ஆய்வு என்ன சொல்கிறதென்றால், ’ ஒரு வேளை தாய் வறுமையின் காரணாமாக எடைகுறைவுடன் இருந்தாலும் தன் மகவிற்குக் கூடுதல் புரதத்தை உற்பத்தி செய்து தருவாளாம். தாய்மையின் விந்தையும் பரிவின் இலக்கணமும் இது தான் போலும்!.

100மிலி தாய்ப்பால் உற்பத்தியாக 85 கலோரி கூடுதல் தேவை. கிட்ட்தட்ட 750மிலி தாய்ப்பால் முதல் 6 மாதங்கட்கும் அடுத்து ஆறு மாதங்களுக்கு 600மிலி தாய்ப்பால் சுரக்கத் துவங்கும். அதற்கேற்றாற் போல் உணவில் கூடுதல் கவனம் தேவை. பால் சுரப்பைத் தூண்ட உணவில் பால், கீரை, முட்டை, மீன்(சுறாப்புட்டு), வெள்ளைப்பூண்டு, சிறிய வெங்காயம், அதிகம் சேர்க்க வேண்டும்.. அடிக்கடி பாலூட்டுவது தான் முதல்படி. குழந்தைக்கு 2-3 மணி நேரத்திற்கு ஒருமுறையேனும் பாலூட்ட வேண்டும். இரு மார்பகத்தாலும் பாலூட்டுவது அவசியம். குழந்தை தானாக பாலை நிறுத்தும் வரை ஒவ்வொருமுறையும் பாலூட்ட வேண்டும். பாலூட்டும் மார்பகத்தை அவ்வப்போது ஒற்றடம் அல்லது மசாஜ் செய்வதும் சுரப்பை ஊக்குவிக்கும். அப்படியும் பால் சுரப்பு குறைவாக இருப்பின் பாலூட்டுவதை நிறுத்திவிடாமல், மருத்துவரை அணுகி தகுந்த மருத்துவம் எடுக்க வேண்டும். ஒருவேளை சுரப்பு குறையும் பட்சத்தில் சதாவரி இலேகியம் கண்டிப்பாக அடுத்த ஆறு மாதங்கள் எடுப்பது நல்லது.
ஆறு மாதங்கட்குப் பின் திட உணவு தேவைப்பட துவங்கும் போது புழுங்கல் அரிசி பாசிப்பயறு கஞ்சியில் துளி தேங்காய் எண்ணெய் சேர்த்து கொடுக்கவும். நேந்திரங்காய் பொடியின் கஞ்சிமாவு குழந்தை எடை உயர பெரிதும் உதவும். மெல்ல மெல்ல படிப்படியாக கீரை கடைசல் குழைந்த சாதம், தயிர்சாத உணவு என அன்றாட உணவிற்கு மாறலாம்.

கூடியவரை ஃபார்முலா உணவுகளை தவிர்ப்பது நல்லது. அதுபோல் கூடுதல் விட்டமின் டானிக் என எடுப்பதும் நல்லதல்ல. எந்த விட்டமின்கள் எல்லாம் தேவை அவை எந்த காய் கனிகளில் உள்ளதென அறிந்து வைத்திருந்து அதை உங்கள் பாப்பாவின் மனக்களிப்புக்கு ஏற்றாற்போல் தயார்படுத்தி தருவது சிறப்பு.

உரை மருந்து- நம் முன்னோர்கள் சொல்லிச் சென்ற தடுப்பு மருந்து. பிரசவ லேகியம்-பால் சுரக்கும் சதாவரி லேகியம் – குழந்தைக்கு உரை மருந்து இம்மூன்றுதான் அந்த கால தாய் சேய் மருத்துவத்தின் முக்கிய மருந்து தொகுப்பு. ஒவ்வொரு வீட்டிலும் இதைத் தயார் செய்யும் உத்தி, தயங்காமல் பயன்படுத்தும் பக்குவம் எல்லோரிடமும் இருந்தது. நவீனம் தொலைத்த பல விஷயங்களிலும் வணிக கலாச்சாரமாகிவிட்ட மருத்துவம் மறுக்கும் விஷயங்களிலும் நாம் தொலைத்து விட்ட்து இந்த அற்புத உணவையும்தான். ஆனால், இன்றைய அறிவியல் இதன் ஒவ்வொரு பொருளின் மருத்துவ பயனையும் இப்போது வியந்து உறுதிப்படுத்தி வருகிறது. குழந்தை சாப்பிடுவதும், சாப்பிட வைப்பதும் அவர்களுக்கான சாப்பாட்டுப் பொருளும் பெரும் சந்தையாக மாறிவருகிறது. இது மிகவும் வருந்தத்தக்க செய்தி. நம் பாரம்பரியம் சொன்ன விஷயங்களை மடமை என ஒதுக்காமல், அக்கறையுடன் தேர்ந்து எடுத்து பயன்படுத்துவது இந்த பிடியில் இருந்து மெல்ல மெல்ல விலக ஒரே வழி

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