Top 10 Tallest Man Alive

10. George Bell

George Bell

George Bell is currently the tallest living American in United States. George Bell was born in 1957 and has an honor of getting his name listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as one of the tallest man alive right now. George Bell is a patriotic natured person who loves to serve his country in any aspect and that reflects his profession as well. George Bell is a deputy sheriff in Virginia and leading a life serving his country. Along with that George Bell used to be a very good Basketball player in his golden days and has played among very famous teams. The measured height of George Bell is 7 feet and 8 inches which makes him the 10th tallest man alive right now.


9. Igor Vovkovinskiy

Igor Vovkovinskiy

Igor Vovkovinskiy basically belong Ukraine and moved to Rochester, Minnesota for his treatment. One of the most astonishing things which you will come to know is this that Igor Vovkovinskiy was more than 6 feet tall at the age of only 7 and weighed 200 pounds. This huge giant also has the honor of being called one of the biggest supporters of Barrack Obama. According to Igor it sometimes gets very difficult to manage the things because of his huge height. The measured height of this tall guy is 7 feet and 8.33 inches which makes him the 9th tallest living person of the world.


8. Radhouane Charbib

Radhouane Charbib

Radhouane Charbib belongs to Tunisia and was born on 27th October 1968. Radhouane Charbib used to be the tallest man of the world once and got his name listed in the Guinness Book of World Records. Radhouane Charbib realized this at the age of 15 that he is growing in his height pretty fast then a normal human being and at that time at the age of 15 he was already 5 feet and 7.4 inches tall. According to Radhouane Charbib he is very much happy from his height and says that it’s a special gift and he feels very happy at that time when walking along the street and people always keep on looking at him with eyes wide open. The measured height of Radhouane Charbib is 7 feet and 8.4 inches which makes him the 8th tallest man alive on earth now.


7. Ri Myung Hun

Ri Myong Hun

Ri Myung Hun belongs to North Korea and was born on 14th September 1967.Due to the tall height of Ri Myung Hun he was selected in the National Korean Basketball team and was one of the leading scorer and backbone player of his team. Ri Myung Hun is living in capital city of Pyongyang along with his wife and son and due the tall height of the father his son is also becoming a minor celebrity day by day. Ri Myung Hun biggest dream is to play in NBA (National Basketball Association) but due to the the cold war between North Korea and United states this dream is fading day by day. The measured height of this tall Basketball player is 7 feet and 8.5 inches which makes him the 7th tallest man alive on the planet now.


6.  Sun Ming Ming

Sun Ming Ming

Sun Ming Ming belongs to China and was born on 23rd August 1983. Sun Ming Ming is a professional Basketball player and is considered as one of the tallest man who played Basket ball ever professionally for a long period of time. Sun Ming Ming is living a life like a celebrity and sometimes on special requests he make guest appearances at various occasions and TV shows. Sun Ming Ming moved to USA in 2005 and tried hard to get selected in NBA and start a career but was unable to succeed. He returned back home and now is playing Basketball professionally in China. The measured height of Sun Ming Ming is 7 feet and 9 inches which makes him the 6th tallest man alive in the world.


5. Bao Xishun

Bao Xishun

Bao Xishun Belongs to China and was born in 1951. Until the age of 16 Bao Xishun used to think that he was an average person of normal height but after that he gradually kept on growing taller. Bao Xishun used to work in a Local hospital in a city named Chifeng. Along with the plus point of height Bao Xishun was a good Basketball player and has played in the army Basketball team of China for 3 years. Bao Xishun was married to Xia Shujuan who was a sales girl. The marriage took place on 24th March 2007 and now Bao Xishun is a father of a cute son. Bao Xishun used to be the tallest man on earth according to Guinness Book of World Records. The measured height of Bao Xishun is 7 feet and 9.5 inches which makes him the 5th tallest man alive on the earth.


4. Alexander Sizonenko

Alexander Sizonenko

Alexander Sizonenko belongs to Russia and was born on 20th July 1959.  Alexander Sizonenko was a very good Soviet Basketball player and has made a very popular name in his young age by playing very well against several good teams and considered one of the Basketball player at that time. Alexander Sizonenko is divorced and has a son named Sasha who lives with him. Sasha says that I am proud of my dad. According to Alexander Sizonenko it’s very hard to imagine how much life has changed after he quit playing Basketball because of his continuously growing height which caused him severe pain in bones. The measured height of Alexander Sizonenko is 7 feet and 10.1 inches which makes him the 4th tallest man alive.


3. Suparwono


Suparwono belongs to Indonesia and he is the tallest Indonesian male ever. Suparwono was born on 4th November 1983 and belongs to a village named Tri Tunggal Jaya on the island of Sumatra. The daily diet of Suparwono can be imagined like this that he eats round about 7 to 8 pounds of rice and 14 to 16 eggs on daily basis. According to Suparwono he started realizing about his height at the age of 10 when he was the tallest not only his school  but also in his entire village and neighboring villages and people used to ask him to stand along with them so that they can take some pictures standing with the huge giant. The officially recorded height of Suparwono is 7 feet and 11 inches which makes him the 3rd tallest living man on the planet.


2. Zhang Juncai

Zhang Juncai

Zhang Juncai is the 2nd tallest man alive right now. Zhang Juncai was born in 1983 and he belongs to china and most of the time he has been seen involved in social activities like as a special guest in tv shows and performances. Zhang Juncai has a nice nature and is friendly at heart. Zhang Juncai also visited the hospital meet the sick giant lady Yao Defen who ranks 3rd in the list of Top 10 tallest females of the world. Along with that, Zhang Juncai also met the fattest man of china named Liang Yong weighing 200 Kgs. Zhang Juncai  has been seen walking in streets of china sometimes with Bao Xishun who is 7 feet 9 inches tall. According to Zhang Juncai this whole world is their home and they have to rule in it. The latest measurement of Zhang Juncai height is 7 feet and 11.3 inches and he is the 2nd tallest man of the world alive right now after Sultan Kosen.


1. Sultan Kosen

Sultan Kosen

Sultan Kosen is tallest man alive on earth in the present age because he has been given this title by Guinness Book of World Records. Sultan Kosen was born on 10th December 1982 and he basically belongs to Turkey. Sultan Kosen loves to play video games with his friends. From his point of view, being taller is a good thing because wherever a  ladder is required, he just does the task standing on the ground. Sultan Kosen loves to walk around with his hand sticks and in reality he is a very friendly natured person and loves to communicate with people on most of the topics. One of his biggest dreams of life is to get married and have children. Sultan Kosen loves to attend different occasions and charity based parties. The recorded height of Sultan Kosen is 8 feet and 3 inches and he stands at the first place in our list of top 10 tallest man alive.


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